Congratulations to the recipients of the 2022 Tau Beta Sigma Scholarships! Each recipient will receive $1000 towards their education this year. For more information about the Tau Beta Sigma Scholarships go to or contact National Vice President for Communication & Recognition Allison Leemann (

Wava Scholarship for Female Music Education Majors – Anna Dresback, Alpha (Oklahoma State University)
Anna has been selected by the Tau Beta Sigma Scholarship Committee as the recipient of the 2022 Wava Scholarship. Anna’s ultimate goal as an educator is to have her students be successful and fulfilled in their careers by giving them key skills in their curriculum to help them achieve their goals. She advocates for music education being something that helps children feel a part of something bigger than themselves and gives them the opportunity to find what they are passionate about and to grow to their fullest potential. Her letters of support note that Anna is sincere in her music-making and her life. She is meticulously organized, thoroughly prepared, genuinely caring, and extremely dedicated. As a leader, Anna leads by example taking on not only the roles she desires, but the roles that are necessary. Her determination to make sure her responsibilities are completed to the best of her ability, regardless of what they may be, has won her the respect and admiration of her colleagues. This dedication helped raise the standard of ensembles through her selflessness and care for the organization. Her teaching philosophy coupled with her strength of service and dedication to her ensembles makes her an excellent recipient of the Wava Scholarship.

Outstanding Student Leader Scholarship – Sapaydia Rosales, Epsilon Alpha (University of South Carolina)
Sapaydia has been selected by the Tau Beta Sigma Scholarship Committee as a recipient of the 2022 Outstanding Student Leader Scholarship. As the Epsilon Alpha Chapter President Sapaydia demonstrated time management, organizational
planning, conflict resolution, and decision-making skills that are vital to being a
successful leader. Her Chapter comments that she handles all hurdles with patience, grace, and a smile on her face. These qualities have assisted the Chapter in their approach to service and activities coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to leadership in the band and Chapter, Sapaydia serves as a campus leader in the College of Engineering providing new opportunities and resources for engineering students to be engaged and prepared for their future careers. Sapaydia believes that one is able to become a great leader when they find a cause, mission, or statement that they can stand behind, advocate for, and believe in – making her an excellent recipient for the Outstanding Student Leader Scholarship.

Outstanding Student Leader Scholarship – Ellen Lee, Eta Zeta (University of Kentucky)
Ellen has been selected by the Tau Beta Sigma Scholarship Committee as a recipient of the 2022 Outstanding Student Leader Scholarship. As the only female-presenting individual in her major and instrument type, Ellen uses her leadership platforms within the Tau Beta Sigma, Sigma Alpha Iota, and the College of Fine Arts to lift up female peers and prove to the campus and Lexington community that women are powerful and have a place in the world of music. Ellen comments that Tau Beta Sigma has helped her develop self-confidence, passion for the development of music and women in music in the campus and Lexington community, as well as empathy, listening skills, and awareness for those around me who she strives to lift up every day. The Eta Zeta Chapter comments that Ellen exemplifies the ideals of Tau Beta Sigma in all areas of her life through her foundation of servant leadership making her an excellent recipient for the Outstanding Student Leader Scholarship.

Patsy Drury Hejl Outstanding Musical Achievement Scholarship – Jacob LaMontagne, Delta Nu (University of Maine)
Jacob has been selected by the Tau Beta Sigma Scholarship Committee as the recipient of the 2022 Outstanding Musical Achievement Scholarship. The committee was impressed with the audio submissions commenting that it was one of the best and most well-rounded audio submissions received in recent memory. Jacob is noted to work continuously on his clarinet technique and has played in masterclasses including a session with the renowned David Shifrin on the Poulenc Sonata for an audience of clarinetists. He is a notable, advanced player working on both standard repertoire and contemporary pieces for clarinet and bass clarinet and often doubling on saxophone. In his letters of support it is noted that Jacob is an ideal member of Tau Beta Sigma performing in many ensembles at the University of Maine and representing the Sorority at the highest level in his musicianship and leadership. He sits first chair in the Symphonic Band, the top ensemble on campus, as well as serving as Section Leader and Drum Major in the Pride of Maine Black Bear Marching Band. He takes these roles seriously and is always looking for ways to better serve the bands. Jacob’s outstanding musicality in his audio submissions as well as his noteworthy participation and leadership in the University of Maine bands make him an excellent recipient of the Patsy Drury Hejl Outstanding Musical Achievement Scholarship.