1 | Alpha | Oklahoma State University | Southwest | 3/26/1946 |
2 | Beta | Texas Tech University | Southwest | 5/4/1946 |
3 | Gamma | University of Colorado | Midwest | 10/27/1946 |
4 | Delta | University of Oklahoma | Southwest | 4/28/1946 |
5 | Epsilon | Butler University | North Central | 7/7/1946 |
6 | Zeta | Stetson University | Southeast | 5/24/1947 |
7 | Eta | Phillips University | Southwest | 5/19/1947 |
8 | Theta | University of Cincinnati | North Central | 5/31/1947 |
9 | Iota | Baylor University | Southwest | 2/14/1948 |
10 | Kappa | University of Texas at El Paso | Southwest | 5/9/1948 |
11 | Lambda | University of Michigan | North Central | 5/18/1948 |
12 | Mu | University of Denver | Midwest | 9/9/1948 |
13 | Nu | Long Island University | Northeast | 2/11/1949 |
14 | Xi | West Texas A & M University | Southwest | 5/7/1949 |
15 | Omicron | University of Utah | Western | 10/5/2003 |
16 | Pi | Nebraska Wesleyan University | Midwest | 4/23/1949 |
17 | Rho | Indiana University | North Central | 11/19/1949 |
18 | Sigma | Arizona State University | Western | 11/12/1949 |
19 | Tau | University of Houston | Southwest | 3/25/1950 |
20 | Upsilon | Eastern New Mexico University | Southwest | 4/28/1950 |
21 | Phi | Drury College | Midwest | 4/30/1950 |
22 | Chi | The Ohio State University | North Central | 4/29/1950 |
23 | Psi | University of Arkansas | Southwest | 11/11/1950 |
24 | Omega | University of Arizona | Western | 5/14/1950 |
25 | Alpha Alpha | University of Northern Colorado | Midwest | 5/12/1950 |
26 | Alpha Beta | University of Tulsa | Southwest | 2/4/1951 |
27 | Alpha Gamma | Kent State University | North Central | 3/12/2006 |
28 | Alpha Delta | Ohio University | North Central | 7/28/1951 |
29 | Alpha Epsilon | Midwestern State University | Southwest | 5/5/1951 |
30 | Alpha Zeta | Southern Methodist University | Southwest | 5/12/1951 |
31 | Alpha Eta | Abilene Christian University | Southwest | 5/17/1951 |
32 | Alpha Theta | North Dakota State University | Midwest | 6/4/1951 |
33 | Alpha Iota | University of Minnesota | Midwest | 2/2/1952 |
34 | Alpha Kappa | Brigham Young University, Idaho (Ricks) | Western | 5/3/1952 |
35 | Alpha Lambda | Louisiana State University | Southwest | 5/10/1952 |
36 | Alpha Mu | The Wichita State University | Midwest | 5/4/1952 |
37 | Alpha Nu | Oklahoma Panhandle State University | Southwest | 5/22/1952 |
38 | Alpha Xi | Bowling Green State University | North Central | 11/7/1952 |
39 | Alpha Omicron | Sam Houston State University | Southwest | 11/21/1952 |
40 | Alpha Pi | Wayne State College | Midwest | 3/21/1953 |
41 | Alpha Rho | University of South Dakota | Midwest | 3/21/1953 |
42 | Alpha Sigma | Case-Western Reserve University | North Central | 5/31/1953 |
43 | Alpha Tau | University of Wyoming | Midwest | 2/28/1954 |
44 | Alpha Upsilon | Lamar University | Southwest | 3/18/1954 |
45 | Alpha Phi | Colorado State University | Midwest | 4/3/1954 |
46 | Alpha Chi | Northern Arizona University | Western | 5/9/1954 |
47 | Alpha Psi | Doane College | Midwest | 5/16/1954 |
48 | Alpha Omega | Florida State University | Southeast | 5/14/1955 |
49 | Beta Alpha | Sul Ross State University | Southwest | 3/17/1956 |
50 | Beta Beta | New Mexico State University | Southwest | 4/21/1956 |
51 | Beta Gamma | University of Texas at Austin | Southwest | 3/8/1957 |
52 | Beta Delta | Texas Christian University | Southwest | 2/9/1957 |
53 | Beta Epsilon | Lycoming College | Northeast | 4/6/1957 |
54 | Beta Zeta | Stephen F. Austin State University | Southwest | 5/1/1957 |
55 | Beta Eta | University of Maryland | Northeast | 4/14/1957 |
56 | Beta Theta | University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma | Southwest | 4/28/1957 |
57 | Beta Iota | Ohio Wesleyan University | North Central | 5/19/1957 |
58 | Beta Kappa | University of Southern Mississippi | Southeast | 5/17/1957 |
59 | Beta Lambda | University of New Mexico | Southwest | 5/18/1957 |
60 | Beta Mu | Baldwin-Wallace College | North Central | 11/17/1957 |
61 | Beta Nu | Arkansas Tech University | Southwest | 3/14/1958 |
62 | Beta Xi | University of Florida | Southeast | 4/12/1958 |
63 | Beta Omicron | Texas Southern University | Southwest | 5/3/2002 |
64 | Beta Pi | Samford University | Southeast | 5/6/1958 |
65 | Beta Rho | Texas Woman’s University | Southwest | 5/18/1958 |
66 | Beta Sigma | Purdue University | North Central | 4/12/1959 |
67 | Beta Tau | University of Mississippi | Southeast | 4/19/1959 |
68 | Beta Upsilon | Montana State University | Midwest | 4/23/1960 |
69 | Beta Phi | Florida A & M University | Southeast | 5/26/1960 |
70 | Beta Chi | Cornell University | Northeast | 3/19/1961 |
71 | Beta Psi | South Dakota State University | Midwest | 5/14/1961 |
72 | Beta Omega | University of Nevada | Western | 5/9/1961 |
73 | Gamma Alpha | Pittsburg State University | Midwest | 5/31/1961 |
74 | Gamma Beta | Eastern Washington State University | Western | 8/25/1961 |
75 | Gamma Gamma | Humboldt State University | Western | 1/6/1962 |
76 | Gamma Delta | Morris Harvey College | Northeast | 1/7/1962 |
77 | Gamma Epsilon | University of Miami | Southeast | 2/17/1962 |
78 | Gamma Zeta | Emporia State University | Midwest | 4/6/1962 |
79 | Gamma Eta | Mississippi Valley State University | Southeast | 5/5/1962 |
80 | Gamma Theta | Stanford University | Western | 5/30/1962 |
81 | Gamma Iota | New Mexico Highlands University | Southwest | 4/21/1963 |
82 | Gamma Kappa | University of Connecticut | Northeast | 5/17/1964 |
83 | Gamma Lambda | Adams State College | Midwest | 5/16/1964 |
84 | Gamma Mu | Ohio Northern University | North Central | 5/17/1964 |
85 | Gamma Nu | University of Texas at Arlington | Southwest | 3/28/1965 |
86 | Gamma Xi | Arkansas State University | Southwest | 5/14/1965 |
87 | Gamma Omicron | Southern Arkansas University | Southwest | 5/6/2001 |
88 | Gamma Pi | Ferris State University | North Central | 5/22/1966 |
89 | Gamma Rho | Eastern Michigan University | North Central | 2/12/1967 |
90 | Gamma Sigma | University of Arkansas, Little Rock | Southwest | 2/17/1967 |
91 | Gamma Tau | University of Central Arkansas | Southwest | 2/17/1967 |
92 | Gamma Upsilon | Western State College | Midwest | 4/20/1968 |
93 | Gamma Phi | Southwestern Oklahoma State University | Southwest | 9/29/1968 |
94 | Gamma Chi | Mansfield University | Northeast | 10/6/1968 |
95 | Gamma Psi | Northeastern State University | Southwest | 2/23/1969 |
96 | Gamma Omega | University of Pittsburgh | Northeast | 4/19/1969 |
97 | Delta Alpha | Langston University | Southwest | 12/5/1999 |
98 | Delta Beta | West Virginia University | Northeast | 4/20/1969 |
99 | Delta Gamma | Oregon College of Education | Western | 4/26/1969 |
100 | Delta Delta | University of Massachusetts | Northeast | 5/16/1969 |
101 | Delta Epsilon | Miami University | North Central | 12/5/1969 |
102 | Delta Zeta | Oregon State University | Western | 2/22/1970 |
103 | Delta Eta | Texas A & M University at Kingsville | Southwest | 3/1/1970 |
104 | Delta Theta | Alabama State University | Southeast | 3/20/2004 |
105 | Delta Iota | Wagner College | Northeast | 3/22/1970 |
106 | Delta Kappa | Kansas State University | Midwest | 4/4/1970 |
107 | Delta Lambda | California State University, Sacramento | Western | 4/11/1970 |
108 | Delta Mu | Oral Roberts University | Southwest | 4/25/1970 |
109 | Delta Nu | University of Maine | Northeast | 5/9/1970 |
110 | Delta Xi | Missouri University of Science and Technology | Midwest | 5/9/1970 |
111 | Delta Omicron | Pennsylvania Western University Clarion | Northeast | 5/16/1970 |
112 | Delta Pi | University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff | Southwest | 11/15/1970 |
113 | Delta Rho | Southwestern Missouri State University | Midwest | 11/21/1970 |
114 | Delta Sigma | University of Louisiana at Monroe | Southwest | 12/12/1970 |
115 | Delta Tau | Angelo State University | Southwest | 1/23/1971 |
116 | Delta Upsilon | Howard Payne University | Southwest | 4/24/1971 |
117 | Delta Phi | Texas Lutheran University | Southwest | 3/21/1971 |
118 | Delta Chi | University of Tampa | Southeast | 4/25/1971 |
119 | Delta Psi | Southwest Baptist University | Midwest | 5/3/1971 |
120 | Delta Omega | Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania | Northeast | 5/16/1971 |
121 | Epsilon Alpha | University of South Carolina | Southeast | 12/4/1971 |
122 | Epsilon Beta | East Texas A&M University | Southwest | 1/16/1972 |
123 | Epsilon Gamma | Lane College | Southeast | 5/18/1972 |
124 | Epsilon Delta | Marshall University | Northeast | 12/3/1972 |
125 | Epsilon Epsilon | Kutztown University | Northeast | 1/20/1973 |
126 | Epsilon Zeta | Oklahoma Baptist University | Southwest | 4/23/1973 |
127 | Epsilon Eta | Tyler Junior College | Southwest | 1/20/2006 |
128 | Epsilon Theta | Georgia Institute of Technology | Southeast | 5/12/1973 |
129 | Epsilon Iota | The University of Akron | North Central | 5/27/1973 |
130 | Epsilon Kappa | University of California, Los Angeles | Western | 6/2/1973 |
131 | Epsilon Lambda | North Carolina Central University | Southeast | 2/9/1974 |
132 | Epsilon Mu | University of Arkansas at Monticello | Southwest | 3/20/1974 |
133 | Epsilon Nu | VanderCook College of Music | North Central | 5/11/1974 |
134 | Epsilon Xi | Troy University | Southeast | 5/18/1974 |
135 | Epsilon Omicron | University of Southern California | Western | 6/2/1974 |
136 | Epsilon Pi | Cameron University | Southwest | 11/24/1974 |
137 | Epsilon Rho | Virginia State University | Northeast | 7/8/2000 |
138 | Epsilon Sigma | Norfolk State University | Northeast | 5/3/1975 |
139 | Epsilon Tau | Weber State University | Western | 5/19/1975 |
140 | Epsilon Upsilon | Lock Haven University | Northeast | 10/19/1975 |
141 | Epsilon Phi | Western Carolina University | Southeast | 11/23/1975 |
142 | Epsilon Chi | South Carolina State University | Southeast | 1/24/1976 |
143 | Epsilon Psi | Prairie View A & M University | Southwest | 1/24/1976 |
144 | Epsilon Omega | Morgan State University | Northeast | 4/24/1976 |
145 | Zeta Alpha | Illinois State University | North Central | 5/9/1976 |
146 | Zeta Beta | Tuskegee University | Southeast | 10/30/1976 |
147 | Zeta Gamma | Eastern Illinois University | North Central | 4/16/1977 |
148 | Zeta Delta | University of Kansas | Midwest | 5/7/1977 |
149 | Zeta Epsilon | Michigan State University | North Central | 2/19/1977 |
150 | Zeta Zeta | Southern University | Southwest | 12/3/1977 |
151 | Zeta Eta | Colorado School Of Mines | Midwest | 1/21/1978 |
152 | Zeta Theta | Nicholls State University | Southwest | 4/9/1978 |
153 | Zeta Iota | Jackson State University | Southeast | 5/6/1978 |
154 | Zeta Kappa | Albany State University | Southeast | 5/20/1978 |
155 | Zeta Lambda | Livingston University | Southeast | 5/6/1978 |
156 | Zeta Mu | Grambling State University | Southwest | 10/22/1978 |
157 | Zeta Nu | University of Northern Iowa | Midwest | 3/3/1979 |
158 | Zeta Xi | San Diego State University | Western | 12/16/1979 |
159 | Zeta Omicron | Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University | Northeast | 4/7/1979 |
160 | Zeta Pi | Tennessee State University | Southeast | 9/30/1979 |
161 | Zeta Rho | Kentucky State University | North Central | 3/7/1981 |
162 | Zeta Sigma | Xavier University | North Central | 4/5/1981 |
163 | Zeta Tau | Valdosta State University | Southeast | 12/12/1981 |
164 | Zeta Upsilon | West Chester University | Northeast | 11/22/1981 |
165 | Zeta Phi | Louisiana Tech University | Southwest | 4/17/1982 |
166 | Zeta Chi | Allegheny College | Northeast | 4/25/1982 |
167 | Zeta Psi | University of Central Florida | Southeast | 8/22/1982 |
168 | Zeta Omega | University of Missouri-Columbia | Midwest | 9/11/1982 |
169 | Eta Alpha | Syracuse University | Northeast | 12/4/1982 |
170 | Eta Beta | University of North Alabama | Southeast | 5/15/1983 |
171 | Eta Gamma | Boston University | Northeast | 2/11/1984 |
172 | Eta Delta | Howard University | Northeast | 2/19/1984 |
173 | Eta Epsilon | Texas State University | Southwest | 2/25/1984 |
174 | Eta Zeta | University of Kentucky | North Central | 10/6/1984 |
175 | Eta Eta | Central State University | North Central | 11/18/1984 |
176 | Eta Theta | Lincoln University | Midwest | 4/22/2001 |
177 | Eta Iota | Delaware State University | Northeast | 11/16/2003 |
178 | Eta Kappa | Southeastern Oklahoma State University | Southwest | 12/15/1985 |
179 | Eta Lambda | University of Alabama at Birmingham | Southeast | 2/21/1986 |
180 | Eta Mu | Baker University | Midwest | 3/2/1986 |
181 | Eta Nu | Tarleton State University | Southwest | 3/13/1986 |
182 | Eta Xi | Georgia Southern University | Southeast | 9/28/1986 |
183 | Eta Omicron | Johnson C. Smith University | Southeast | 12/14/1996 |
184 | Eta Pi | Northwestern State University of Louisiana | Southwest | 2/8/1987 |
185 | Eta Rho | James Madison University | Northeast | 3/21/1987 |
186 | Eta Sigma | Towson University | Northeast | 3/22/1987 |
187 | Eta Tau | Navarro College | Southwest | 11/15/1987 |
188 | Eta Upsilon | Georgia Southwestern State University | Southeast | 11/15/1987 |
189 | Eta Phi | Vanderbilt University | Southeast | 12/5/1987 |
190 | Eta Chi | University of Rhode Island | Northeast | 4/9/1988 |
191 | Eta Psi | Virginia Union University | Northeast | 4/25/1988 |
192 | Eta Omega | California State University at Fresno | Western | 4/30/1988 |
193 | Theta Alpha | Fayetteville State University | Southeast | 9/18/1988 |
194 | Theta Beta | Ouachita Baptist University | Southwest | 10/22/1988 |
195 | Theta Gamma | Alcorn State University | Southeast | 2/4/1989 |
196 | Theta Delta | Washington State University | Western | 4/1/1989 |
197 | Theta Epsilon | Cumberland College | North Central | 2/1/1990 |
198 | Theta Zeta | North Carolina A & T State University | Southeast | 2/24/1990 |
199 | Theta Eta | Utah State University | Western | 4/13/1990 |
200 | Theta Theta | Henderson State University | Southwest | 9/9/1990 |
201 | Theta Iota | Alabama A & M University | Southeast | 10/14/1990 |
202 | Theta Kappa | Morris Brown College | Southeast | 4/25/1992 |
203 | Theta Lambda | Auburn University | Southeast | 5/24/1992 |
204 | Theta Mu | University of Nebraska at Kearney | Midwest | 12/5/1993 |
205 | Theta Nu | Clark Atlanta University | Southeast | 2/19/1994 |
206 | Theta Xi | Iowa State University | Midwest | 3/19/1994 |
207 | Theta Omicron | Livingstone College | Southeast | 3/22/1996 |
208 | Theta Pi | Bowie State University | Northeast | 6/18/1997 |
209 | Theta Rho | Bethune-Cookman University | Southeast | 12/6/1997 |
210 | Theta Sigma | Miles College | Southeast | 7/26/1998 |
211 | Theta Tau | McNeese State University | Southwest | 8/9/1998 |
212 | Theta Upsilon | Winston-Salem State University | Southeast | 3/28/1999 |
213 | Theta Phi | Hampton University | Northeast | 6/26/1999 |
214 | Theta Chi | Stillman College | Southeast | 7/14/2000 |
215 | Theta Psi | University of Louisville | North Central | 11/5/2000 |
216 | Theta Omega | Claflin University | Southeast | 2/24/2001 |
217 | Iota Alpha | Marist College | Northeast | 4/21/2001 |
218 | Iota Beta | East Texas Baptist University | Southwest | 2/16/2003 |
219 | Iota Gamma | Fort Valley State University | Southeast | 1/1/2004 |
220 | Iota Delta | University of West Georgia | Southeast | 4/25/2004 |
221 | Iota Epsilon | Capital University | North Central | 4/8/2005 |
222 | Iota Zeta | Savannah State University | Southeast | 4/29/2006 |
223 | Iota Eta | Coahoma Community College | Southeast | 9/10/2006 |
224 | Iota Theta | Edward Waters College | Southeast | 4/20/2007 |
225 | Iota Iota | Paul Quinn College | Southwest | 4/28/2007 |
226 | Iota Kappa | University of Virginia | Northeast | 4/13/2008 |
227 | Iota Lambda | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | Southeast | 4/19/2008 |
228 | Iota Mu | University of Memphis | Southeast | 9/27/2009 |
229 | Iota Nu | East Carolina University | Southeast | 10/10/2009 |
230 | Iota Xi | Elon University | Southeast | 10/24/2009 |
231 | Iota Omicron | Benedict College | Southeast | 1/29/2010 |
232 | Iota Pi | Lincoln University | Northeast | 4/16/2010 |
233 | Iota Rho | Spelman College | Southeast | 4/30/2010 |
234 | Iota Sigma | Huntingdon College | Southeast | 5/23/2010 |
235 | Iota Tau | University of Texas at San Antonio | Southwest | 2/18/2012 |
236 | Iota Upsilon | Saint Augustine’s University | Southeast | 3/21/2014 |
237 | Iota Phi | Elizabeth City State University | Southeast | 5/4/2014 |
238 | Iota Chi | University of South Florida | Southeast | 3/31/2015 |
239 | Iota Psi | Kennesaw State University | Southeast | 4/22/2015 |
240 | Iota Omega | Chicago State University | North Central | 5/15/2020 |
241 | Kappa Alpha | Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania | Northeast | 1/14/2021 |
242 | Kappa Beta | Florida Memorial University | Southeast | 4/11/2023 |
243 | Kappa Gamma | University of Georgia | Southeast | 4/23/2023 |