TBS Monument Unveiled
by Kelia Allen
from the Nov 1969 issue of the Podium
Last spring the culmination of more than two years of work was witnessed. On May 10, 1969, a monument dedicating the founding of TBS at Texas Technological College was unveiled at the college at Lubbock, Texas. Several mem-bers of TBS spent many hours drawing up the design, employing an engraver and finding a location for the monument. The design chosen was that of the official TBS crest below which were placed these words: “Tau Beta Sigma—National Sorority for Bandwomen—Founded, Texas Technological College—Chartered May 4, 1946.” The excellent engraving was done by Mr. H. Browder of Lubbock, Texas. The monument was placed in a prominent position adjacent to the front steps of the Music Building on campus.
The idea of a sorority for bandswomen was conceived by Tech bandswomen as early as 1937. The laws of Texas at that time, however, forbade the charter of such a sorority. After much thought and planning, the Tech bandswomen ‘asked the OSU bandswomen, at which the brother fraternity, KKPsi, was founded, to charter the sorority and become Alpha Chapter. On March 26, 1946, a charter was granted to “Tau Beta Sigma, National Honorary Sorority for Bandswomen,” perpetual existence and its principle place of business at Stillwater, Oklahoma. On May 4, 1946, Beta Chapter of TBS was officially installed at Texas Tech.
The dedication of the monument was planned as close to the installation date as possible. On Saturday afternoon, May 10, honored guests from TB E National, the Tech Music Department, the City of Lubbock, and members of TBS and KKPsi were entertained by the brass choir directed by Mr. Richard Tolley. This was followed by warm speeches from Mrs. Patsy Hejl, TBS National President; Mr. Robert Rubin, National Executive Secretary; Mr. Dean Killion, Tech Director of Bands and Honorary member of KKPsi; Carol Blaine, present TBS National Treasurer; Kanda Kinney Washburn, newly-elected Beta Chapter president; and Zem Neil, monument committee chairman. The monument was then unveiled to the pleasure of all present. The monument now lies as a reminder of all the work, thought and feelings that went into the founding of our Sorority and also as a reminder to all of the never-ending privilege of serving our college and university bands.