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Counselor & CVA Applications

Sisters and Brothers of Tau Beta Sigma,

Following the appointment of Katie Dukes to the National Vice President for Communication & Recognition position the National Council will be opening the application process to select a new Southwest District Counselor for immediate appointment. In addition, the National Council will also be accepting applications for District Counselor in Training in the Southeast District to fill Kelsey Reilly’s Counselor position after she completes her District Counselor term this spring. This individual would begin their term as District Counselor at the end of the 2024 District Convention season.

The National Council is also accepting applications for the role of Chapter Visitation Associates (CVA) in ALL GEOGRAPHIC AREAS.

The primary duties of a District Counselor are to advise the National Council and provide oversight to the District Council and chapters within the District. Counselors shall be designated the official representative of the District whenever such representation shall be required and shall, when requested by the National Council, act as the Official Inspecting Officer of the Sorority of all Chapters within the District. Counselors serve a 2-year term ending at their respective District Conventions in even-numbered years. Counselors may serve a maximum of three consecutive terms.

The primary duties of a Chapter Visitation Associate (CVA) are to conduct visits with Tau Beta Sigma Chapters and to provide workshops, training, and resources to assist and enhance Chapter operations. CVAs serve 2-year terms ending at the National Convention. CVAs are eligible for re-appointment with no term limits.

Counselors and CVAs serve without compensation and may be reimbursed travel expenses incurred for work completed on behalf of the Sorority based on established guidelines.

District Counselors and CVAs shall:

  • Be a Life Member of Tau Beta Sigma in good standing;
  • Be at least 25 years of age at the time of appointment;
  • Have completed an undergraduate degree program;
  • Possess outstanding business ability and be able to represent the Sorority under all ordinary conditions.
  • Further information regarding duties and eligibility requirements can be found in the Tau Beta Sigma National Constitution.

Interested individuals should submit the following materials by Friday, October 27th, 2023:

  • A letter of intent identifying your motivations for seeking the position and the contributions you anticipate bringing to that office. The letter should explain your basic qualifications for the position, highlighting band and Sorority experience.
    • Limit: One page.
  • A resume or vita, inclusive of both Sorority and professional experiences.
    • Limit: One 2-page document or two 1-page documents that separate the two categories.
  • One Letter of Recommendation.

Please note that at this time, only CVA applications will be considered in all geographic regions, while Counselor applications should be focused on serving in the Southeast and Southwest Districts.

All materials and/or questions about the position should be submitted to National President Siobhan Wilkes Bratcher, at Application materials must be received by 11:59pm CST on Friday, October 27th, 2023.